
RGC Survey: 42% of Sports Bettors in Canada Bet on the Super Bowl

by Ralph Trayfalgar Updated:

With the 56th Super Bowl hitting full swing, sports fans and sports bettors from around the world watched with bated breath to witness the latest installment in the NFL’s championship series.

And based on a survey conducted by the Responsible Gaming Council, Canada’s leading responsible gambling organization, Ontario sports bettors were quite eager to get in on the action. Their survey found that 42% of sports bettors in Ontario wish to bet on the Super Bowl this year.

This online poll of 1,003 Gambling players in Ontario, aged 18 and above was conducted between January 7 and January 9 utilizing Leger's online panel. 

According to the results of the poll, younger individuals were substantially more prone than older people to be affected by their friends and family while wagering on sites like Betway Canada. According to the survey, 72 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 34 claimed they were affected by others in their sports wagering decisions, as opposed to 59 percent of those between the ages of 35 and 54 and 40 percent of those above the age of 55.

In the poll, participants were asked how they would place a wager. People who plan to gamble with friends accounted for the vast majority (47 percent), with those who plan to purchase a sports-based lottery ticket in Canada, coming second (46 percent).

In terms of the amount of money they would gamble on each wager, 52 percent indicated they would wager no more than $50, while 17 percent said they would wager at least $100.

It also discovered that 38 percent of those who took part felt that their sports expertise offers them an advantage when making predictions about the result of sporting events on sports betting sites, including William Hill Canada. 46% of men and 48% of Toronto residents were found to believe they have such an advantage. 

The poll discovered that 90 percent of gamblers want to implement at least one method to reduce their gambling risk. This is encouraging news.

This may include adhering to a pre-determined betting limit, as over half of the respondents answered, while four in ten indicated they would always consider sports betting to be fun rather than a means of earning money.

In a statement from the RGC, CEO Shelley White comments: "The fact that such a strong majority of sports bettors have a plan in place to protect themselves is great news. However, the risks should never be underestimated. It’s easy to get carried away by the excitement of the big game... Knowing the risks and having a plan to protect yourself are essential to having fun and enjoying the game.”

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